Sunday, January 3, 2010


Nature is our friend

I've succumbed to the fact that I won't be doing much more than scouring design blogs for the rest of the day. These are my finds thus far.

site-responsive installation by Germaine Koh

paper chandelier

camouflauge house by Hiroshi Iguchi

green roof in Brooklyn

recycled leather necklace

environmental art by Nicole Dextras

Jason Miller Studio mushroom table

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Craft Corner

I am extremely bored at work right now which has led me to do some major online window shopping. I spent like an hour on etsy looking at aprons and tea infusers (the two kitchen items on want so very much for Christmas), and then probably about an hour on J.Crew as well. My checking account is near empty after the Black Friday shopping extravaganza, but I'm severely lusting over these novelty tees. Which led me to some DYI ideas. These five tees definitely have inspired my creative side.

The way these ribbons float reminds me of a waterfall. It might be interesting to use multi colors or a few different shades of green and blue.

You can't see the back of this shirt, but the ribbon continues, ties, and hangs like a real necklace. The bead work will probably be time consuming, and I might but make an actual necklace with this design.

I've been putting corsages on EVERYTHING lately so I think I need to start making a bunch of fabric flowers to attach to my shirts, cardigans, and heels.

I'm very excited to finish this design. I have a brown tee from Old Navy that fits so well, but its just so boring, and I can really only dress it up with a cute necklace. This design is similar to the white tee above, but I definitely would rather just attach the ribbon and flower to the shirt.

I'm thinking less beads and more watercolor with this shirt. I'm definitely going to have to find a waterproof way to emulate watercolor on a shirt, but I can't wait to start painting!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I found out about this site through my friend's bridal blog. You can input the URL for any site with an RSS feed and it will be create a lovely design with your most frequently used words. Quite adorable. Check it out at the link below.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Mom & Daughter Day!

Yesterday my mom came into town. Now this can either be a fun and enjoyable trip or it can be a death sentence. Last time my mom came into town she spent 15 minutes yelling at me about how I wasting my life over brunch with my bffl. Definitely not good. But this time she was on much better behavior. Since she has been to Gainesville about a hundred million times and she has seen everything this town has to offer, we settled for the usual - Oaks Mall. Stopped at VS, Ann Taylor, Gap, Express, and BR. Banana Republic is my Gainesville answer to J.Crew which is the love of my life. Of course I couldn't afford anything, but still drooled over a few pieces.

Such a good work shift. I really would love to start dressing nicer for work. But impromptu fliering in 90 degrees/thunderstorms doesn't give me that luxury.

This bracelet looked so great on. The green stones really pop.

Fall is right around the corner and once again, I'm obsessed with cardigans! My uniform is blouse, cardigan with sleeves rolled up, skinny belt around the waist, shorts, and sandals. I could wear this everyday year-round.

Absolutely fabulous. Someone please buy this for me.

The mall was followed up by a movie (Pandorum was your average, space disaster, horror film) and dinner. With a bonus of Coldstone with the bf! They got along well, it was grand. Especially since my mom now thinks she found my future husband. Appalling and amusing all at the same time.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009 Favs

If there was any look I could pull off, it would be this one. Especially since already own a variation on everything pictured. Maybe when it's no longer an average of 85, I can break out my blue blazer.

This is just so simple and super slimming. I can't even tell the textures of the materials, but what's great is it doesn't matter if it's jersey or a knit or silk; it still works amazingly.

I only really like details of this photo. Put together it's a bit too wild for me. I wish I knew who made this bag cause the detailing on the handles is reminiscent of my Chloe Paddington. The ring is why I chose this picture. Can I have, please?

Kelly Kapoor! This was entitled "Thin Mint" which is completely perfect. That color is perfect with her complexion. I could pull it off with sheer black tights, maybe.

This photo makes me miss my platinum blonde bob. It just works so well with creams. I could do without the sweater. Maybe a thinner material that matches the oversized scarf. The monochromatic look her skin, hair, sweater, and scarf plays well with the dark tinted denim and brown boots.

If Elle Woods went to D.C. and was dressed by Coco Chanel. That is this ensemble. I could definitely do without the shoes. Everything is so modest already. She could have a rocked a killer black stiletto, maybe ankle boot, and still look classic.

Those pants are ridic, but she looks so gosh darn carefree that they must be amazing. I think being a Gator draws me to anything orange (not Tennessee or Texas orange, but Florida orange), but this just takes me back to Barcelona. I'd pull on a pair of these over a black one-piece and stroll over to a beach side cafe for a bocadillo de cerdo.

Seeing this just reminds me I need to wear sheer black tights more. This is soooo simple and I feel like I could find variations of this at Urban Thread.

This baby is allll vest. The colors, the material, it's like all my elementary school teachers rolled into one article of clothing. I literally love this vest.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Bored City

Just spent my night looking up Halloween costumes alone. Finally decided on an idea I've had for a while now....DRUNK MARDI GRAS GIRL! Complete with:

- bottle of empty booze
- smeared makeup
- missing shoe
- tramp stamp
- shirt pulled up
- tons of beads covering up "the goods"

I already have everything, except the empty bottle of booze, which will be very easy to accomplish. Trying to decide if I should go with rum, tequila, or bourbon. If it's rum, it's gotta be coconut rum.

Had a fantastical easy day today. Slept in til 11 after dropping off the bf at class. Only worked 4 hours. Amazing workout afterwards. It had been about 2 weeks since I'd had any sort of physical activity. The true test is if my legs will be sore tomorrow. God, i hope so. Quick trip to Publix where I bought amazingness - (1) Nutella & bananas, (2) pecan pralines, and (3) VITAMINS! Publix Greenwise makes super cheap, naturally derived vitamins now. I'm going to be a good girl and take my multi v, E, C, and probiotics religiously for the next month. These v's better work some miracles! Also learned that razor blades are priced like electronics and condoms are way cheap in bulk. Although I don't see how it's possible to not use one without the other. No one likes a hairy partner! I'm oh so TMI sometimes...

Friday, July 24, 2009

SUPER nostalgia

I miss late nights in 111 and 252 playing drinking games and making a fool of myself.
I miss Taco Tuesdays and blowing hundreds of dollars in the Oaks Mall with my Lakeside roomie.
I miss the blue house, drinking High Life on the roof and having sweaty dance parties.
I miss Mediterranean Highlights and my best HS friend, Giselle.
I miss CFOP trips with Tor Tor and our teeny tiny dorm room.
I miss random 3-hour conversations/arguments at Countryside with what has become my Gainesville family.
I miss the excitement of planning rush, social, and service events with APX.
I miss Allie, our lingerie dance parties, and crawling into each other's beds to laugh/cry the morning after a crazy night.
I miss all-nighters in studio, gladiator fights with cardboard paper rolls, and when studio 422 was ballin'.
I miss how awful Limited, Too was, and how much fun we made the work day (and night).
I miss my bffl. No explanation needed.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Let's get some shoes!

I've been up since 6 AM yet I'm still procrastinating on my Precalculus homework. Luckily Urban Outfitters has provided me a great distraction. I'm majorly lusting after the laced boots. They're available in black and tan. I'll have both please. Although I think the Jeffrey Campbell's are both in reach because they're on sale at Urban Thread on 13th. Is it so wrong that all I wanna wear is knee boots and sweater dresses? Colder temperatures are months away :(

Monday, July 20, 2009

Marriage by Gregory Corso

Should I get married? Should I be good?
Astound the girl next door with my velvet suit and faustus hood?
Don't take her to movies but to cemeteries
tell all about werewolf bathtubs and forked clarinets
then desire her and kiss her and all the preliminaries
and she going just so far and I understanding why
not getting angry saying You must feel! It's beautiful to feel!
Instead take her in my arms lean against an old crooked tombstone
and woo her the entire night the constellations in the sky-

When she introduces me to her parents
back straightened, hair finally combed, strangled by a tie,
should I sit with my knees together on their 3rd degree sofa
and not ask Where's the bathroom?
How else to feel other than I am,
often thinking Flash Gordon soap-
O how terrible it must be for a young man
seated before a family and the family thinking
We never saw him before! He wants our Mary Lou!
After tea and homemade cookies they ask What do you do for a living?

Should I tell them? Would they like me then?
Say All right get married, we're losing a daughter
but we're gaining a son-
And should I then ask Where's the bathroom?

O God, and the wedding! All her family and her friends
and only a handful of mine all scroungy and bearded
just wait to get at the drinks and food-
And the priest! he looking at me as if I masturbated
asking me Do you take this woman for your lawful wedded wife?
And I trembling what to say say Pie Glue!
I kiss the bride all those corny men slapping me on the back
She's all yours, boy! Ha-ha-ha!
And in their eyes you could see some obscene honeymoon going on-
Then all that absurd rice and clanky cans and shoes
Niagara Falls! Hordes of us! Husbands! Wives! Flowers! Chocolates!
All streaming into cozy hotels
All going to do the same thing tonight
The indifferent clerk he knowing what was going to happen
The lobby zombies they knowing what
The whistling elevator man he knowing
Everybody knowing! I'd almost be inclined not to do anything!
Stay up all night! Stare that hotel clerk in the eye!
Screaming: I deny honeymoon! I deny honeymoon!
running rampant into those almost climactic suites
yelling Radio belly! Cat shovel!
O I'd live in Niagara forever! in a dark cave beneath the Falls
I'd sit there the Mad Honeymooner
devising ways to break marriages, a scourge of bigamy
a saint of divorce-

But I should get married I should be good
How nice it'd be to come home to her
and sit by the fireplace and she in the kitchen
aproned young and lovely wanting my baby
and so happy about me she burns the roast beef
and comes crying to me and I get up from my big papa chair
saying Christmas teeth! Radiant brains! Apple deaf!
God what a husband I'd make! Yes, I should get married!
So much to do! Like sneaking into Mr Jones' house late at night
and cover his golf clubs with 1920 Norwegian books
Like hanging a picture of Rimbaud on the lawnmower
like pasting Tannu Tuva postage stamps all over the picket fence
like when Mrs Kindhead comes to collect for the Community Chest
grab her and tell her There are unfavorable omens in the sky!
And when the mayor comes to get my vote tell him
When are you going to stop people killing whales!
And when the milkman comes leave him a note in the bottle
Penguin dust, bring me penguin dust, I want penguin dust-

Yes if I should get married and it's Connecticut and snow
and she gives birth to a child and I am sleepless, worn,
up for nights, head bowed against a quiet window, the past behind me,
finding myself in the most common of situations a trembling man
knowledged with responsibility not twig-smear nor Roman coin soup-
O what would that be like!
Surely I'd give it for a nipple a rubber Tacitus
For a rattle a bag of broken Bach records
Tack Della Francesca all over its crib
Sew the Greek alphabet on its bib
And build for its playpen a roofless Parthenon

No, I doubt I'd be that kind of father
Not rural not snow no quiet window
but hot smelly tight New York City
seven flights up, roaches and rats in the walls
a fat Reichian wife screeching over potatoes Get a job!
And five nose running brats in love with Batman
And the neighbors all toothless and dry haired
like those hag masses of the 18th century
all wanting to come in and watch TV
The landlord wants his rent
Grocery store Blue Cross Gas & Electric Knights of Columbus
impossible to lie back and dream Telephone snow, ghost parking-
No! I should not get married! I should never get married!
But-imagine if I were married to a beautiful sophisticated woman
tall and pale wearing an elegant black dress and long black gloves
holding a cigarette holder in one hand and a highball in the other
and we lived high up in a penthouse with a huge window
from which we could see all of New York and even farther on clearer days
No, can't imagine myself married to that pleasant prison dream-

O but what about love? I forget love
not that I am incapable of love
It's just that I see love as odd as wearing shoes-
I never wanted to marry a girl who was like my mother
And Ingrid Bergman was always impossible
And there's maybe a girl now but she's already married
And I don't like men and-
But there's got to be somebody!
Because what if I'm 60 years old and not married,
all alone in a furnished room with pee stains on my underwear
and everybody else is married! All the universe married but me!

Ah, yet well I know that were a woman possible as I am possible
then marriage would be possible-
Like SHE in her lonely alien gaud waiting her Egyptian lover
so i wait-bereft of 2,000 years and the bath of life.